Demo: Available, Free Trial: Available, Starting Price: $100
CudaText is a cross-platform text editor, written in Object Pascal. It is one of the best text editor software that can be used free of charge, even for business purposes. An open-source project, it starts quite fast within 0.3 seconds with 30 plugins on Linux on CPU Intel Core i3 3GHz. It is extensible by Python add-ons: plugins, linters, code tree parsers, and external tools. Syntax parser is feature-rich, from the EControl engine. It offers top text editor tools not just for developers but for everyone. CudaText starts with the program’s portability, making it convenient to use, and continues with the tabbed interface. Click File > Open, choose several documents and they'll each open in their own tab. With the right click, users get handy options for setting a tab colour. Users can even organize tabs into groups, allowing them to view files side by side or split a tab to display two independently scrolling windows on the same file. It offers bonus features that users can discover effortlessly. When the users first close and reopen the program, they can find their last set of tabs reloaded. CudaText offers top-notch Text Editor Software Tools. Users can just press Ctrl+F, type their search text and press Enter. Here the first hit is highlighted. Find First, Find Next and Find Prev buttons show users what they can do next and Count All and Mark All options come in handy if the users require them. The Edit Menu has many lines and text processing options for sorting lines, trimming spaces and converting cases and many others.
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